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Employee Engagement Survey 2022

Take a look at some highlights from our latest Employee Engagement Survey and discover what makes our team thrive.

Every second year, DEIF carries out a global Employee Satisfaction Survey. In 2022, the survey had a response rate of 95%, a slight decrease from 97% in 2020, but still very high. The overall engagement and motivation score in the global organisation was 78, up from 76 in 2020. The high score places DEIF in the external Top-in-Class benchmark which is the 25% best companies with 300-2000 employees.

Job content, learning and development, corporation and the company’s reputation were some of the parameters where DEIF scores high – and higher than in the previous survey in 2020.

The survey identifies specific areas for improvement at company level and in departments/subsidiaries. The result of the 2022 survey have been discussed in all departments and action plans drawn up

“It Is Good To Work At DEIF, The Inclusiveness Is Amazing” (2)